Step Black Subscription Terms

Step Black Subscription Terms

We may offer users a premium rewards platform with certain additional benefits (“Step Black”).

Monthly Subscription Fee By enrolling in a monthly subscription for Step Blackby paying a monthly subscription fee (“Monthly Subscription Fee”), you are authorizing us to charge your Step Account in the amount of the monthly fee on the same day each month as the initial date of subscription, as disclosed in the App. The monthly subscription will automatically renew every month on or about the same day of your first subscription (“Renewal Date”). The subscription fee is non-refundable and the monthly subscription fee will be deducted from your Step Account each Renewal Date unless you give us notice to cancel prior to the Renewal Date.

Direct Deposit Enrollment We may automatically enroll into a Step Black subscription users who receive (a) a minimum direct deposit, as advertised in our website or the Step App, of a paycheck, retirement benefits, other income from certain third parties, such as an employer or payroll provider, or (b) any other incoming minimum deposit from qualifying sources as may be advertised in our website or the Step App (“Minimum Direct Deposit”). Such enrollment will not be subject to the Monthly Subscription Fee. For each period in which the user meets the eligibility requirements for the Minimum Direct Deposit, the user will remain enrolled in Step Black. If a user does not meet the requirements for the Minimum Direct Deposit, the user will be automatically unenrolled in Step Black.

Promotional Offers We may offer promotional offers such as free trials from time to time as advertised on our website or in the Step App. Such promotional offers are subject to change in our sole discretion.

Eligibility Step Black is available to Step users who are thirteen (13) years or older.

Metal Card Step Black users are eligible to purchase a black metal card in the App. Users are responsible for the cost and all taxes on the purchase of the card.

Step Black Rewards Step Black users are eligible to earn Premium Rewards. In addition to earning these rewards certain additional benefits may be provided to Step Black users, including elevated rewards (e.g., higher multiplier on points) and certain partner perks as featured in the App or our website. Separate terms and conditions for partner perks may apply. More information on partner perks can be found here.

Cancellation and Renewal Monthly Subscription Fee. Subsequent to enrolling in Step Black, you will qualify for the Step Black Rewards starting from the day you subscribe and continuing for a period of thirty (30) days and subsequently for additional thirty (30) day periods unless you cancel your membership prior to the Renewal Date. You can cancel your renewal anytime by providing notice to or by reaching customer support within the App. Upon cancellation, your benefits will continue through the remainder of the then-current subscription period. Cancellation of your Step Black subscription will not impact your credit score.

Direct Deposit Enrollment. If, at any time, the user does not meet the Minimum Direct Deposit eligibility requirements, Step Black benefits will cease and the user will no longer receive the benefits. A user may become re-eligible by meeting the Minimum Direct Deposit eligibility requirements in a subsequent period.